N  a  t  u  r  a  l  m  e  n  t  e
V  i  s  i  o  n  :
     Hari Om

Visualize we are a group of Friends, from all ages, amongst Children and Elders,
All Living together in Harmony and in Communion with Nature ...

Imagine Going for a walk in Nature, feeling amazed
by the beauty and harmony we see and feel around us:

We hear the birds singing, sending waves of Joy…
the flowers, release the spring scents, perfuming the air…
and hearing the waters of a stream , we approach it,
feeling the pure refreshing water , tasting it , and refreshing ourselves
in this wonderful paradise…

N   a   t   u   r   a   l   m   e   n   t   e
'Nucleum' for the Reconnection with the Essence within the Being
Nucleum  for the  Reconnection  with the  Essence  within  the  Being

And now, Feeling completely nurtured and embraced by Mother Nature, the Sun, and
All the Universe, completely recharged with Vital Energy. Blessed by this Infinite Love,

and Continuing in this Feeling in Oneness with All the Nature,
we take a walk on the Garden
After this energizing work in the garden , and feeling for a refreshing swim, we approach the ecologic Lake, with its pure, revitalizing water, where we can peacefully swim, in harmony with the little fish, and at the same time, we can taste this delicious water, filtered by the aquatic plants, plenty with vitality, in harmony with Nature, the Sun and the Elements…

and we feel completely nurtured and energised, by the Water , and the Sun , warming up our bodies, and recharging us, plentiful, with Vital Energy ...
and Continuing our walk, we call the Horses, that are loose in the fields, and they approach, joyfully,
and we walk together, feeling One with all Nature

Feeling an immense gratitude , for so much beauty and harmony,

and on the way, we recollect some more plants, that are growing in abundance, and sending them our Love and Thanks , we take some with us, to add to the lunch meal, and we happily invite everyone, to share these delicacies, these gifts from the Universe…

and we All contribute for this wonderful meal, or by bringing some vegetables and fruits, or preparing the meal, together, with All our Love, or contributing to this feast, by playing music, singing and dancing, contributing for this wonderful vibration of joy, celebration, prosperity, and happiness, that spreads all around, and  also integrates this wonderful food we are preparing, and when we eat, we also get All this energy, All this Love, that nurtures us, revitalizes us, and brings us Joy and Happiness , and how good and revitalizing it feels...

And we feel deeply Grateful, for everyone's contribution, and for Mother Nature, and All the Universe

and All these feelings and vibration , of Happiness, Prosperity and Love , multiply and  spread All around us,
to All the Universe ...
Feeling All this Love, around and within, and embracing these feelings of Purposefulness and Oneness …
and we take another walk around : …

we realise that in some trees there are some houses built, completely integrated in harmony, with the trees and the Nature, and interlinked with bridges made with wood and rope, where we can pass tranquil and gracefully from tree to tree

and When the Sunset is coming near, we return home, and gather with everyone around the Sacred Fire, where we participate in a Sacred Ceremony, where we celebrate Life, and the Oneness with the Universe, with music and sacred dances, sharing stories and experiences with everyone around.
Here we can become conscious of our interconnectedness, our Oneness, with everyone, everything and with the Omnipresent Universal Source of All-That-Is…

we feel ourselves Living in Plenitude, in Unconditional Love, learning to give unconditionally, without expecting anything in return, trusting that the Universe takes care of maintaining the Balance…

we learn to connect with the Essence within everyone, Awakening all our Potential and Inner Light, Rediscovering the Divinity within every Being

Becoming Conscious of this Inner Light, we learn to propagate it, through All the Universe, on an incessant inhaling and exhaling of our Hearts, Breathing in Oneness with the cycles of expansion and contraction of the Universe.
Feeling this deep contact with Nature, we become conscious of our connection with the All,
with the Cosmos, with the Divinity…
and that we are all the same Essence, we are all One…

At Night, we sleep in Peace, feeling One with All the universe… ,
and in the morning, we Wake up, in all our Plenitude, feeling that we are Reborn,
and feeling completely Awake, ReVitalized and Happy.

This is our Dream, a World in Harmony, becoming  Real ,  with the contribute of All of Us...

we invite you to Join Us ,  and manifesting this Vision ,  co-creating this community with us ,
visualizing this project developing in Harmony ,  and contributing with your energy ,  enthusiasm , 
skills ,  creativity ,  open mind  and willingness  to contribute  in  manifesting this Vision ..

and Visualize manifesting this Reality , and  propagating these Seeds of Love,
through the Entire Universe, contributing in the co-creation of a World of Love, Happiness, Plenitude,
where every Being is Happy and in Harmony...

L  o  k  a       S  a  m  a  s  t  h  a        S  u  k  h  i  n  o        B  h  a  v  a  n  t  u
( m a y   A l l    B e i n g s ,   i n   A l l   t h e   W o r l d s ,   B e   H a p p y . . . )
N    a    m    a    s    t    é
( The Divine Essence within myself, salutes the Divine Essence within Yourself )
We feel a "call" from some plants in the garden, that call our attention,
and we feel intuitively that they are calling for some support ,

and intuitively, we find a "wild" plant nearby, that we feel to be the ideal solution, and we pick it and plant near our calling plant, and by this , it establishes a cooperative relationship, giving some structural support, for this plant to climb and feel more supported, to resist to the wind and weather conditions…

also, this "wild" plant has a strong aromatic perfume, from its leaves and flowers, and while they perfume the air with this wonderful scents, they are also the ideal to put away insects that were invading the plant, and lovingly sending them to where they might be more useful …

at the same time, this plant is giving some nutrients from the roots, and attracting beneficial soil bacteria and microfauna and flora, that alltogether give some nutrients, that our "calling" plant was needing , and
this way, they establish this ideal cooperative relationship , in a balanced Eco-System ...

Finally, we give them some water, blessed with our Love … and we feel in return, as a thanking from these plants, and All the Eco-System, that is becoming more harmonious and balanced, sending us this Gratitude feelings, that we receive as feelings of Happiness and Bliss, that embraces us in nurturing Love …
and we thank again in return, to the plant, and All Nature and Universe…
and, by being so connected with All the Eco-System and Community, we develop the ability to feel what needs to be done, and contributing for maintaining the balance by happily doing what needs to be done, in a Loving and Joyful way…

and, feeling the Happiness and sensation of doing something Purposefull, feeling Happy for having an opportunity to contribute to the harmonious flow and overall wellbeing of all the Community, and contributing for the balance in Nature and All the Universe

Embracing these feelings of Harmony and Oneness, We see a group of Friends, gathered around some construction ... and we promptly offer our help, and with the help with All of us, the work is made in a joyfully and easy way … and in this work, ( as well as in everything ), we put our best intentions, of Love and Harmony, together with our physical efforts, knowing that it All contributes for the result to be more harmonious, and shine All the Love and dedication of All of us …

Some children around see us, and feel the energy from this interesting gathering, and approach gracefully, and we let them come and integrate this task, and see how motivated the children are, and how easily they learn All that is related to this task …

and while we All learn with each other, and share our skills and knowledge , we learn how to make a construction like this, completely natural, only with materials that Nature provide us, and we realise how strong, stable and beautiful, this construction is becoming…

after this mission complete, we feel energised and happy, to have learned something new, and we feel this completedness, this feeling of having contributed for something purposeful, and how good it feels to be able to contribute to the co-creation of a beautiful harmonious world, by learning and spreading these examples of how we can live in a harmonious and joyful way … and how people can be happily working together, in harmony, motivated in co-creating a beautiful reality …
and feeling this oneness with All the group, community and Universe …

and from the high of the Tree, we see a group of Friends, gathering around one place, and we hear a “Gong” !!!! - that represents a call for the gathering of the whole Community…

and we happily go for the call, looking forward for this one more opportunity for feeling and expressing this Oneness with All the group and Community, together with Nature and All the Universe

so this Gathering Call was about a special occasion : - Planting a Tree …
and contributing for the Abundance , Prosperity and Plentifulness, in this wonderful reality. contributing for our self-Sustainability, and also cooperating for co-creating a beautiful and harmonious Eco-System and Community , and spreading these seeds to All the World …

and so, in this task, that we are all helping with great enthusiasm, some of us help to make the hole for the tree, and some get good compost and soil, to help the tree with some nutrients , and Everyone , together, sing Joyful Songs,
 contributing for a Happy and Harmonious group energy …
and returning to our body consciousness
we notice a little cat is accompanying us, jumping gladly, from branch to branch, following along our steps,
happily living on the “Here and Now”…

and climbing to the top of this tree, we see a big group of birds, flying in complete harmony, like a big collective organism, harmoniously interconnected, reminding us this collective consciousness we are gradually reconnecting again…

and balancing smoothly with the wind, imagining we are also Flying, feeling One with All the Birds,
rediscovering our Wings,   spreading them wide,   and Feeling completely Free …

- Ahh, how good it is to Remember this Feeling !!!

here we can feel ourselves living in plenitude, nurtured by Mother Earth… She Feeds us, nurtures us,
embraces us ,  sustains us ... ,   and She is here, for us, unconditionally ,  being our Home,

and we send feelings of Love and Gratitude, feeling One with All the Universe…

and opening ourselves to experience this reality everywhere, spreading this seeds to All this beautiful planet, our Mother Gaia, co-creating, and manifesting, this Harmony and Happiness, within All the Universe ...
and finally , we plant the tree, and everyone puts a little bit of earth with each one’s intentions
of Love and Prosperity for this tree and All the Eco-System …

after, we plant near the base of the tree, some legumes and clover, that help to give good nutrients to the tree,
acting as a natural Living fertilizers…

then we put some mulch – a layer of dry vegetation, around the base of the tree, that helps to maintain the ideal levels of humidity and temperature, and attract the benevolent Living Beings, (like worms and soil microfauna and flora ),
that helps the soil to maintain its natural fertility with these Layers full of Life energy…

and now, we put a crystal, on the base of the tree, representing its connection with the Cosmos, Earth, and All the other trees, and crystals, and All the Living Beings , and Spiritual Realms ,
inter-connected with the Collective Consciousness, of All-That-Is …

and All the Community , together, honouring and energising this infinite connection with All-That-Is, . . .
and we , All together, express happily, this beautiful “ Ommm” :


We admire the trees, with the Sun Shining gently through their leaves
blessed by a warm comfortable breeze, that tenderly caresses our soul...

Hearing the sounds of the water in the stream, accompanied by the birds singing,
in the great melody of nature, embraced by the perfume of wild flowers,
and the colours of the dancing leaves in the trees ,
with the rays of Sunlight shining between them

and this wonderful Tree calls our attention, and we feel to connect with her
So we embrace the Tree, 

         and  in Meditation,  we become aware of our cosmic breathing ,
         and our consciousness expands ,merging with the Tree,
         and we feel we really Are the Tree,
         in connection with All the other trees and the All the Nature around Us

Feeling in Oneness with this Tree ,   ( and the Nature around us ),

we feel the Sunshine in our Leaves, nurturing us,
and gratefully receiving this infinite Loving Light ,

Totally unattached and in total surrender and acceptance of the flow of the universe

Feeling our Branches, flexible and spreading wide, giving shelter to the Beings around,
and our Roots, strong and deep, supporting and nurturing us, with Water and Nutrients.

and sharing our fruits, and emanating our Loving Essence
in the perfume and beauty of our flowers,
purifying the air, and filling it with oxygen…

sharing all these gifts, without asking anything in return, totally unconditionally ,

- what a great Learning , with the Trees , of what is really unconditional Love

And Feeling so Grateful for such wonderful manifestations of the Flow of Life
Shining All this Love and Gratitude , from within our Hearts

and in this moment, a perfect ripe fruit falls near us
and amazed by the synchronicity,
feeling such a bliss and gratitude, we pick it up, Thanking the Tree,
and Multiplying this feelings of Love and Gratitude with All the Universe

Planting these Seeds of Love, in our Hearts,
multiplying all this infinite unconditional Loving Energy
with All the Beings around us
Sharing All this Love with All the Universe

and feeling this complete communion with All the Beings, the Elements and the Cosmos,

and, approaching a big Tree, that calls our attention, we climb on its branches…
and Feeling this Oneness with this Tree, and All the trees around,
with our Leaves receiving the Sun Light
and feeling in Oneness also with the Sun,
this magnificent Source of Unconditional Loving Light
merging with Us, and Shining from within our hearts

and on this Oneness journey with the Tree and the Sun,
great masters in what is unconditional Love
with Our Hearts vibrating in Gratitude and Love